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Family Teacher & Financial Literacy

C.A.M.P. Inspiration G NYC understands the importance of a strong support system for student success. Given that CIGNYC is a residential school, it is vital that each student has a “school family” to provide them with support while away from their “home family.” The importance of family support on student achievement has been demonstrated by studies on education. CIGNYC aims to provide each student with the family support needed for academic success. This support will be provided through a daily class called “Family Group.” This class will focus on the social and emotional wellbeing of each child while simultaneously preparing him or her for success within CIGNYC rigorous curriculum. Family group advisors will work with parents/guardians, administrative staff, clinical staff (such as social workers) and other members of the students’ support networks to monitor academic progress and provide intervention as needed, address mental health and emotional well-being concerns and connect students with counselors and other resources as needed, and ensure that each student feels safe, welcome, and cared for while on campus. The dynamic “family” relationship fostered through this class will lead to students building trusting bonds with their teachers, peers and all members of the community. These family group meetings will take place during the first period, thereby giving students an opportunity to speak with their advisors independently and in circles in which they can express their overall needs. During these conversations family group teachers will have personalized, culturally and linguistically significant conversations that respond directly to each child’s individual learning style thereby allowing each student to maximize his or her potential. The Family Group model was identified as a best practice in School Discipline, Safety and climate: A Comprehensive Study in New York City (2020). Additionally, Family Group classes align with the New York State Charter Schools Act Amendment of 1998 Section 2850 (S 2850) A and C as the class is designed to improve overall student achievement through the use of innovative teaching methods.

Residential Schooling Model

Stable housing and a supportive community are key elements in ensuring a student’s success. Students cannot focus on school when they are worried about housing insecurity or feel that they must be constantly vigilant about their safety and security when in their home communities. Residential schooling provides students with stable housing and a safe community in which students’ most basic, fundamental needs of safety, security, and shelter are met. Living at school allows children to avoid the potentially rampant gang culture, drug use, and violence that plague many impoverished communities. Coupling a family group with a residential program provides students with strong role models and helps shield them from the challenges they may face in their home communities. The residential schooling model allows CIGNYC to provide students with a safe atmosphere in which they can learn, explore, and grow. This model is built to protect students who have been deeply traumatized by dangerous societal circumstances; these societal ills should not be a child’s number one concern. Students who are in a safe environment are able to focus on learning, not basic survival. This mission driver aligns with S 2850 section D, “Provide parents and students with expanded choices in the types of educational opportunities that are available within the public school system” as there are no other residential public schools available to students in this region of the state.

Rigorous Curriculum

C.A.M.P. Inspiration G NYC will employ a rigorous curriculum that opens academic doors that have been typically closed to students based on their low performance outcomes. Generally, the rigorous curricula provided by specialized schools, magnet schools, and gifted programs have been unavailable to struggling students. Lack of access to high-quality and rigorous curricula sets students back and makes it ever more difficult for low-performing students to achieve success beyond high school as these students often require remedial classes in college. These extra classes cost students and families more money (which may lead to high levels of student loan debt) and force students to spend more time in school than their peers that have access to rigorous curricula. These extra costs and time may lead students to drop out of college, further perpetuating a cycle of low achievement. CIGNYC will provide students with a curriculum based on New York’s Next Generation Standards that will prepare all students for success on the Regents Examinations, and in their high school and college career. This mission driver aligns with S 2850 section B, “Increase learning opportunities for all students, with special emphasis on expanded learning experiences for students who are at-risk of academic failure” by providing students access to materials and curricula that would not be available to them in their neighborhood schools.

Equity & Equality

For far too long, students from communities of lower socio-economic status have been forced to attend subpar schools that lack the funding and resources to provide students with a high-quality, well-rounded education. C.A.M.P. Inspiration G NYC aims to level the playing field for students from such backgrounds by providing them with access to the types of curriculum and resources typically found in schools that serve students from higher socio-ecomoic status communities. Students in CIGNYC’s priority population are sharply underperforming compared to students in the general population. In order to promote equity, CIGNYC will provide resources and programs designed to elevate, inspire, and actively engage students in a rigorous, diverse, individualized, and holistic education.CIGNYC will enable priority students to have access to resources that allow students to meet or supersede accountability indicators set forth by New York State of Board of Regents (Regents) and New York State Education Department (NYSED) Charter School Performance Framework.

Sports and Art Literacy

Participation in athletics is an integral part of the holistic education provided by Camp Inspiration G NYC. Sports and athletics teach children about collaboration and teamwork, perseverance, respect, and how to have a friendly competition. Sports also provides students with exercise and a chance to increase kinesthetic knowledge and awareness. CIGNYC aims to provide students with a wide variety of athletic experiences including yoga, track and field, swimming-waterpolo, tennis, golf, lacrosse, skateboarding, skiing, and light feet, and the newly introduced olympic sports breakdancing. Many low-income students do not have access to such a wide variety of sporting and athletic experiences. CIGNYC will strive to provide its students with the same athletic opportunities provided to students in elite private schools.Furthermore, CIGNYC will celebrate various art forms (creative arts and performances) including the urban genre, which originated in New York’s City’s working-class communities. These art forms were birthed out of desperation, exclusion, and tribulation, and are now appreciated globally. In many popular songs (drill music ) we can hear children celebrating the deaths of one another; this form of music is getting young people harmed and killed, a cultural tragedy ruining the hopes of the next generation of children. Live performances will be held in the camp-school to unify children and communities- with positive messages in music embedded with love, respect and kindness. children learn the art form without using profanity or inciting violence. M’cing came out of impoverished communities with a purpose of bringing unity and love to marginalized neighborhoods. Much of rap music today is spiritually beating down kids creating rivalries between children who live in different projects. The goal of CIGNYC is to make campers empathetic, loving, kind individuals whose physical and social interactions in this atmosphere encourages them to care for the world we all live in. The preservation of urban arts and music as well as emphasizing other forms of creative expression, will give campers a sense of belonging, self-confidence, and most powerfully, a kind of self-love that can uplift their communities in the future.


C.A.M.P. Inspiration G NYC will employ a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) centered curriculum that focuses on project-based and student centered learning. Rather than teacher-led instruction, students at CIGNYC will participate in inquiry-based learning in which they build on their background knowledge and construct new knowledge through their own research and self-directed projects that allow them to demonstrate their understanding in individualized and meaningful ways.

High Quality/Holistic Education

C.A.M.P. Inspiration G NYC understands that every child is unique and has their own individual learning styles and preferences. A holistic education that focuses on all aspects of a child’s learning and development–academic, artistic, athletic, social/emotional, and personal–allows all children to flourish and helps them to discover and play to their learning strengths while helping them grow in their areas of weakness. The education at CIGNYC aims to meet students where they are. All students will take assessments to determine current levels of performance and will then work with their family group teacher and guidance counselors to develop an individualized learning plan that fully addresses their strengths and needs. Such a plan will help prepare students for high school, college, and career and will allow them to develop into well-rounded individuals.